Mothering Sunday 2017
Centuries ago it was tradition for people to visit their 'mother' or 'home church' once a year. Later it became a time when children – mostly daughters who worked away from home in service, - were given a day off to visit their mothers.
Nowadays we use it as an opportunity to show our appreciation to our mothers for their love and care for us – and there was plenty of opportunity for this at our Mothering Sunday service on 26th March.
Wendy Hugonnet, our preacher for the day, helped by husband Alistair, had decorated the Church exuberantly for this otherwise normally austere season of Lent. Church tradition says 'no flowers during Lent' but there were many other decorative displays in celebratory party style. There were balloon displays, butterflies and other mobiles dangling from the beams and many other decorative touches. There was also a display area in which were pinned photographs of our mothers and where, during the service, a prayer was said for all mothers.
As we came in we were invited to write a short message to our mothers who had died. These were attached to the balloons which were released outdoors at the end of the service 'to go up to heaven'.
Although there was much focus on our mothers and all they do for us there was also a strong reminder of God’s love and care for each one of us in Wendy’s sermon.
At the end of the service all of the women in the congregation were given posies of flowers and the congregation were treated to hot drinks and a piece of delicious Simnel cake in the community room – more Mothering Sunday traditions!